Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bird is the Word

Bird Watching is a fast growing activity, and a great way to get outside and enjoy nature.

Children in many parts of the metro area are learning to identify their avian neighbors through an Atlanta Audubon Society education program called LEARNING ABOUT BIRDS. The program is a wonderful opportunity to use your local park as an outdoor classroom, studying our fine feathered friends in their natural habitat. The LEARNING ABOUT BIRDS team can train a team of local park staff members and volunteers to lead the activities; no birding expertise
is necessary – just an interest in birds.

Volunteers from the Audubon Society prepare kits of materials with instructions for a dozen lively activities enabling kids to learn: Parts of a bird, Atlanta’s ten most common birds and how to identify them, What birds need to survive, Migration routes of birds who fly through
Atlanta in the Fall and Spring, Dissecting an owl pellet, and The Food Web – who eats whom.

For more information about working with the Audubon Society, contact Marcia Klenbort, LEARNING ABOUT BIRDS volunteer, at marcia.klenbort@comcast.net or visit http://www.atlantaaudubon.org/.

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