Sunday, May 3, 2009

What is Active Living?

Just a reminder about Active Living...

Active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines. The goal is to get at least 30 minutes of activity a day. This can be achieved in many different ways, from walking or bicycling to the corner store to playing or gardening in a neighborhood park.

Active living is about creating healthy communities that have safe and convenient choices for people to walk, bike and be physically active on a daily basis. Consider these facts from the most recent research summaries by Active Living Research:

-People who live in neighborhoods with a mix of shops and businesses within easy walking distance have 35% lower risk of obesity.
-43% of people with safe places to walk within 10 minutes of home meet recommended activity levels, while just 27% of those without safe places to walk are active enough.
-Creating and improving places to be active can result in a 25% increase in the percentage of people who exercise at least three times a week.
-More children walk to school when there are sidewalks.

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