Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Georgia's Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan

Did you know that the State of Georgia has a state-wide Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan?

Long Term ObjectivesThis goal will be realized by achieving the following long term objectives, by 2015, targeting Georgia’s children and youth, adults and older adults:

-Improve healthy eating habits
-Increase physical activity
-Increase breastfeeding initiation and duration
-Decrease television viewing/screen time
-Decrease prevalence of overweight and obesity

Here is the website for the new National Physical Activity Plan: http://www.physicalactivityplan.org/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great, but what are they doing specifically? Are there programs in place yet? Looks as though this has been in the works for a few years but this is the first I've heard of it.
I would love to get involved with it somehow. Is there a website that has more current information?