Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Is 2008 the Year of the Bicycle?"

Interesting articles below about bicycling and all of the positive effects bicycling can have on transportation, health & fitness, building property values, building community, cutting air pollution and benefitting the environment, etc.

Is 2008 the Year of the Bicycle?

London Mayor Announces Major Bicycling Scheme

Lance Armstrong unveils his new commuting bike shop
-Brief Armstrong interview

Let's hear from you, our city residents, about bicycling in Decatur!
Ideas, comments, etc.

1 comment:

adventuresome said...

Biking in Decatur simply isn't safe. Paths and lanes have not been made a priority. Bikers should be able to take routes that are safe for children and adults that are complete paths. While I understand this isn't easy, I don't believe biking should be promoted until better routes have been addressed.